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Scheduling ist geil

super geil

A34 Drone Research

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Drone Laboratory

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magna vitae ex interdum cursus.

Nesis A7 Drone Teasting

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magna vitae ex interdum cursus.

Nesis A7 Drone Teasting

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magna vitae ex interdum cursus.

We Made lots of Drone with Artificial Intelligence.

Scheduling observations to extragalactic radio sources is an integral part of geodetic and astrometric Very Long Baseline Interferometry. At TU Wien, we use the Vienna VLBI and Scheduling Software (VieVS) to generate those schedules. In particular, Matthias Schartner is now developing an improved scheduling tool in C++, called VieSched++, which is part of VieVS. VieSched++ will also be able to schedule VLBI observations to satellites. Currently, our scheduling activities comprise

– scheduling AUA sessions as part of the IVS program,

– scheduling Intensive sessions on the baseline Wettzell to Santa Maria,

– the simulation and assessment of other schedules,

– or the simulation of VGOS schedules. 

viesched_large.jpg Do not hesitate to contact Matthias Schartner if you are interested in generating schedules with VieSched++.

VieSched++ can be downloaded at https://github.com/TUW-VieVS .

Olivia Panzenböck

Student Assistant

Leo Baldreich

Student Assistant

Peter Urban

Student Assistant